Erecting Floodlights on Pitch 2 : Appeal for Funds

Oxford RFC Erecting Floodlights on Pitch 2 : Appeal for Funds

Oxford RFC has planning permission to erect floodlights on Pitch 2 and create a second full size floodlit pitch.

We are appealing for donations and fund raising efforts by launching a Crowdfunding site.
Oxford RFC Floodlights Appeal

Sunday March 20th at 9:00 am was launch day for donations to our Oxford RFC Floodlights Appeal.

Thursday September at 7:00 pm is the great switch on of the lights BUT only with your help.

Our Crowdfunding page will be live for 8 weeks and explains the project in full. Please take a look and see if you can help.

How can you help the club?

Create enthusiasm for the project – if you believe in the project so will those around you. Talk about the project at work, in the pub, around the dinner table.

Send the link Far and Wide – Crowdfunding depends on people knowing about the project so I am asking you if you could send the link to your email and social media contacts list, family and friends.

Donate if possible – every amount small or large is greatly appreciated.

Raise Funds If you cannot donate yourself could you organise a fundraising function at the club, at home or in your local community.

It’s a Team thing- If you run a team could your team club together to raise funds for a project which will benefit them immensely.

Company Sponsorship – if your company or business would like to get involved with sponsorship please contact me [email protected]

Every Idea is Possible : There are No Limits to Creativity.